Had this procedure not been successful I would now have a colostomy bag.
I was referred to Dr. Binmoeller from my Kaiser doctor because my polyp wasn't ordinary. It was large, flat and dark, (later found to be precancerous). It was also located at the end of my colon. My symptoms were almost constant diarrhea and weight loss but the tests showed no intestinal infections. A colonoscopy was ordered and that is when the Kaiser doctor found the polyp.
I was told, (time flies when you are under anesthesia), that Dr. Binmoeller's surgery took between two and three hours but he was able to completely remove the polyp.
I was so very fortunate that Dr. Moezardalan, from Kaiser realized what was there and then referred me to Dr. Binmoeller. This really struck home when I found out that had this procedure not been successful I would now have a colostomy bag. THANK YOU!, for every thing that you did.